Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wordy Wednesday Walkies

There were some great sniffs today!

Ma loves these palm trees ~ they've been here since she was a wee lass

Lookie what I spotted....

something has dug up this patch of grass!'s what I thought.....RACCOON SNOTS!

Yups...same over here...the raccoons use their snooters to turn over the grass to gets to the tasty grubs underneath. 

(Hey, I prefer chicken, butts to each his own!)

Thanks for joining me on my walkie!


for more FABulous photos!!

Thanks for hosting guys!!!


  1. Hari OM
    Nothing beats that extra special sniffing when walking! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. The turning over of the lawn in spots happened at my house too, Ruby. I blamed it on the evil tree rats thinking they were getting even because Landlord Bob took down their hickory tree. So you think it's raccoons, huh. hummmmmmmm

  3. We've never smelled raccoon spit (at least that we are aware of). Around here, like Molly said, the tree rats are digging up the lawn to bury their nuts, but they put the grass back over the nut.

  4. Actually, grubs are tasty snacks. They're kind of crunchy. Mom freaks when she sees us eating them.

  5. We didn't know raccoons did that. We mostly see the Evil Squirrel Cartel burying acorns around here.

  6. Racoon snots?!?!? Shyla says "yummy"! Great walk, Ruby. I love how green it still is!

  7. I hope you can keep those raccoons out of your path.

  8. Raccoons are very industrious, Ruby!

  9. SHE loves raccoons....had one as a pet at one time. Fabulous sniffs today, Rubes.

  10. Raccoons are little terrors and i you leave food or garbage out they will make a huge mess. Bless their hearts.

    I sure enjoy going on walks with you, Miss Ruby.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    I hope you had a woof woof Wordless Wednesday. My best to your mom. ♥

  11. Raccoon snot you must be kidding surely
    you did not.. oh never mind that's gross.

    Astro and Mitzie
    ps Mitzie sniffed my butt today.
    my ma almost fainted.

  12. UGH Racoon snot sounds kind of gross BOL!
    Mabel & Hilda

  13. You did it and are blaming the coons?

  14. We wonder if raccoons are tasty. Xox Lucy and Xena

  15. Raccoon scents along your walks?? How cool is that. 🦝 Bet they
    Your fur-iends,
    Sam & Elsa 🐾

  16. I love those trees too. So many interesting eye catching shapes.
    Raccoon snot. I hope it didn't get your snooter hairs all sticky
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. Yay for good sniffy walks! I hope you don't find the actual racoon. They are not nice friends to have. LOL!

  18. Raccoons are cute but we wouldn’t want to meet one in the fur. Did you know grub worms turn into June Bugs?

  19. Ruby, I might have to fire my admin assistant, somehow she missed this post and I did not get to comment. We have raccoons that are destroying our fences, board by board. sometimes they swim in our pool, and Momma will not let me out if there is one anywhere close. when I go for my walk, sometimes I Get The Scent and wild come to a dead stop, and if Daddy pulls on my leash I lay down flat. try dragging a 75 pound rock Dad....guess how Mom gets me moving? TREATS

  20. Lulu: "Eww! Grubs? I'm with you, Ruby. Bring on the chicken!"

  21. All of the sudden I don't like digged grass anymore..yikes...MOL...Extra Pawkisses for now🐾😽💞

  22. Wordy Wednesday Walkies combina a diversão das caminhadas com a exploração de palavras e linguagem. Se você está planejando um passeio e quer torná-lo um pouco mais "wordy" e educativo, aqui estão algumas ideias:


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