Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tasty Chewy Review!

Yuppers!  It's that time again puppers and kittehs!

And boy do I have a tasty STINKY  treatie for you!

It's  EVANGER'S Beef Tripe!

Nows, I've never had TRIPE befores, butts I heard it was DELISH!

So I told Ma that is what I want to review..

Lookie ~ nothin' butts BEEF TRIPE!

Can I see??!

What do you mean 'stinky'???  Smells DELISH to ME!!!

Ooooooo, those look amazin'!
(why are you holding your nose Ma???)

They are a nice size for a pup like me...
butts, they easily break up for smaller puppers or kittehs!

you can 'rehydrate' these with warm water and add them to your dinners!
(why are you gagging Ma???)

I don't knows what Ma's problem is..these smell pawsome!

(RM:  okay, everyone knows that I am smell sensitive.  Butts..WOWSA!  These treats really stink!
I had to wash my hands 8 times to get the smell off!  But Ruby LOVED them! that's the price we pay for our pups, huh? )

Thanks Bunches Chewy!


these Evanger's Beef Tripe Treaties!

I gives them....4 PAWS UP!

Click Here to find them on!

Disclaimer:   I was given a package of these treaties to try.  All opinions and drool are my own.  No green papers or trips to the Bahamas were given in exchange for my opinion. ☺

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Happy Barkday to ME!!

That's right puppers and kittehs!

♪♫ Today is MY Barkday! ♪♫

I am the BIG SEVEN!!
(Ma just gasped...☺)

So, what am I gonna do for my Barkday you ask?

Glads you did!

Okays, enough...let's get onto the fun stuffs!

Tree Rat chasin'!
Tunnel Rollin'!
Bubble Chasin'!

Stuffie Pullin'!
Truck Rides!

Flower eating sniffin'!
Treatie snackin'!

and my FAVORITE.....

Okay, THIS is no surprise...


For everyone!!!!

Okays, nows here is the most special part of all !

For every comment I gets

wishin' MOI a Happy Barkday

Ma is gonna donate ONE DOLLAR to our local shelter!!!



Everyone who leaves a comment 


a very special


Nows, I won't tell you what's in it,

because it will be 


for the winner!


whatcha waitin' for??!!!

Oh, a margarita!!!.....

Step right up!!!

Nows...where's the CAKE???

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Make Up Your Own Wacky Holiday!

Our Resident Holiday Expert Ranger    has declared today

Make Up Your Wacky Holiday!

Sooooo.....what will mine be....

Roll Around In A Tunnel Day!!! 


Always more fun with a tenny ball!

What?   You didn't thinks I would forgets the MARGARITA did you???

Thanks Ranger!

This was a super duper fun time!!

Friday, September 25, 2015

If You Want Something Done Right....

Hey Puppers and Kittehs!

I knows you've missed me bunches, huh?

Yups, I knows....SO not my fault!

It's Ma's again...yeah, BIG surprise!

Her my-grains have been kickin' her arse again, and she FINALLY went to the

new-raw-gist, and upped her preventive medication.

If that doesn't help, then it's on to BOTOX! 


I guess she's gonna have the youngest lookin' brain in the hood!


enough abouts HER!

It's all abouts MOI!! 

What have I been doin'???

Tryin' to SNOOPERVISE Ma...she's puttin' together this planter for the front side yardie.

Did you even read this thing??

I'm tellin' you Ma...that doesn't go there... says it RIGHT here....

She's still not listening to me....this calls for desperate measures...

Do you hear me NOW??

Yup,  knocked Ma on her ARSE!!!  

Ta DA!

What would these peeps do without us???


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Arrrrrrrgh! International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Hey puppers and kittehs!

It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

Ahoy all ye landlubbers!  

Don't even thinks of openin' my Treasure Chest....

That is for my Stud Muffin Murphy!

It's got LOTS of booty  balls in it for him to play with....

I hears his Brudder Stanley is hoggin' them all.....

Pop on overs to SPEEDY'S Bloggie for a BIG PIRATE DAY PAWTY!

There's gonna be lots of foodables and drinkies and drinkies...☺

See you there Matey's!!!


Friday, September 18, 2015


Hey puppers and kittehs!

What up??!!

I want you to meet GEORGE.

He jumped out from the laundry detergent bottles 

and scared Ma half to death!!  BOL!!!!

She thought it was a spider,  and almost crapped her pants!! 

Then she realized it was a cute little LIZARD, and ran and gots the camera

She didn't lets ME meet George. :(

I don't knows why.

I would have 

Love him 
Pet him
Squeeze him
Call him George!

She was gonna catch him and put him outside....

Butts he ran under the washing machine and hasn't been seen since.

So I'm keepin' my snooter to the ground hopin' he'll jump out at me!

paws crossed!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wordy Wednesday

Snooter Trim???

BOL!!!!  Yeah, good luck with that!  hehehehe

* * * * *

As most of you probably have heard, we have had some terrible, devastating  fires up here
in Northern California.

The two biggest, and most destructive are the

Butte Fire
Valley Fire
(or Middletown Fire)

Entire towns were burned to the ground, and many are sleepin' in tents and RV's until they can figure out what to do next.

Animals have been especially hard hit.

Many people had to leave their livestock, and their pets (they ran away from the smoke and some just hid.) 

There was no time to find them.  It was that fast.

The HEROES of all kinds of Animal Rescues and Vets and Volunteers

are helping to find, feed, water, care for, and get medical help for those animals they can.

I know a lot of you can't give any green papers, butts if you can 

HERE is a list of organizations that can get the help to those who need it.
(both two legged and four legged)

Butts, most of all...

If you can send LOTS of POTP and prayers and good thoughts,

that would mean the world.


Saturday, September 12, 2015


Guess what showed up at my house???


He was just sittin' there starin' at me sleepin'!!!!
(I thinks he was eying my margarita....yes, i keeps one by my bed...☺)

Then, I looked to my left and saw THIS


To my right...


They're EVERYWHERES!!!!!

Then I heard that there was some kind of 


from your Movin' Van....

Yuppers!  They showed up at Whitley's Pool Pawty!!!
(she be 13 years young todays!!!)


Friday, September 11, 2015


"If we lean nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate."

- Sandy Dahl, wife of  Flight 93 Pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, PA, in 2002

Remembered always....

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Impawtent Question.....

I gots an IMPAWTENT question to ask 

(gosh, he's soooo handsome!)

I wonder what he will say????

Click on the image to go to the circus