Hey puppers and kittehs, being Thanksgiving, I've been pondering what I'm thankful for.....
I'm thankful for balls ~ I love balls (and not just the ones on the ManDogs, either!! BOL).
I'm thankful that my Ma obeys my every command ~ I can even get her to hand feed me my kibbles! hehehe
I'm thankful for the inventor of those yummy bully sticks! Ma says I don't want to really know what they are.....
I'm thankful that when my Ma farts that she doesn't blame me! I hear peeps do this kind of thing...
I'm thankful that I have pawsome furends in blogville, that are just the bestest and kindest puppers and kittehs in the worlds!
I'm thankful that I have three a warm bed to sleep in, foodables in my bowl, and a yardie to chase evil tree rats!!
I'm thankful that Ma doesn't mind when I gets gooey, sticky slobbers all over her! (She says 'eeewwwww!! Butts, I know she secretly loves it! BOL)
I'm thankful for my Ma. She loves me to pieces (um..that doesn't quite sound right....), and she would do anythings for me, and I for her. I don't know what she would do without me!
I am truly thankful for all of you. Blogville is an amazing place, filled with caring, love and happiness. I thank you for letting me into your lives.
Hey puppers and kittehs, it has been crazy busy around here! The evil tree rats have been especially active lately (probably gettin' ready for their Thanksgiving Feasts!), so I've had to spend all my free time deading them! (Ma: no she didn't....)
So, since Ma is so lazy busy, she thought a gif animation of me would make you dizzy be funs to look at! (just don't let your peeps watch if they've had a few drinks...could be dangerous! BOL)
I'll keep barking at deading those evil squirrels, and keep ya'll safe so you can enjoy your Thanksgiving Feasts! Adieu good furends!
This is MOI at 5 months old. Even then I just LOVED tunnels!! I chewed holes in this one, so Ma had to buy a more durable agility tunnel. Just can't gets enough of them!
{This Moment} See Beautiful is a once a month Blog Hop, every 2nd Friday of the month. simply create a blog post that made your day, week, and/or month … inspiring you in Seeing Beauty. Blog Hop inspired by See Beautiful.
See Beautiful..... (even if your Ma is takin' a picture of your hinnie!)
I am joinin' BlogBlast for Peace "Dona Nobis Pacem" means 'Grant Us Peace' in Latin. Please Join peeps and furkids around the world in holdin' hands and paws in the hopes of a peaceful world.