Monday, May 29, 2017

Happy Memorial Day!

Today we honor those who served, and paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

Both two legged, and four legged.....

Monument Dogs
(First National Monument to America's Combat Dogs.  Lackland Air Force Base.)

I also want to THANK current Military personnel,  and veterans, 
for their service to our country.

And, their families, who are the unsung heroes.

Thank you from the bottom of my furry little heart


  1. thank you to all who fought for freedom and peace to the men, the women, the pups and the horses...

  2. Beautiful words for such courageous men, women and animals who paid the ultimate price for the freedom we all have today. May their bravery never be forgotten.

  3. Dearest Ruby what a beautiful post in memory of all the species who served, are serving and will serve our great Nation.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. Boo, that is so thoughtful of you. Of course I know you are the most thoughtful pup ever! I think tonight we should bark out the National Anthem. Maybe all the other doggies can join us? XOXOXOXO

    Your Stud Muffin & Stan

    Cherry Bomb Furever

  5. Well said, Ruby. We are so fortunate to have the country we have to live in, and we owe so much of our freedom to those we honor today.

    Woos - Misty and Lightning

  6. Excellent post, Ruby!
    We will never forget those who fell while serving in our nation's military!!
    Cam and Mags

  7. We owe our military men, women and K9's a debt we can never repay. ♥ Beautiful tribute!

  8. Absolutely perfect tribute, Ruby! I adore that first photo. You said the right words for all of us. Because I hate war, I always find myself tongue-tied when this day rolls around.

  9. you are absolutely right, the families are unsung heroes. they pay for our freedom every single day.
    xoxo, bailey unleashed


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