Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday Selfie!

Ma won't gives me the treatie I KNOWS she has in her pocket....

I'm tryin' to levitate it out.....

lets you know how it goes...

this could be BIG!


  1. Let us know if you are successful. This could completely change the dog, human relationship

  2. The knows there is a cookie in there somewhere!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  3. You got to get that treat!! Hope you guys have an amazing week!!

  4. Great selfie! Hope ya get dat treat!

  5. hey ruby, glad to see you aren't suffering from ptsd after that traumatic vet visit last week.
    now you work your magic and get that treat!
    xoxo, bailey unleashed

  6. It better be a BIG treatie, Ruby!

  7. there is a magic spell for levitation in that Hairy Potter book, maybe it works for treats too?

  8. OMD you are gonna try to LEVITATE a Treat??? OMD OMD we HOPE you can do it...

    Now about this FISH situation... WHAT???? your Ma won't let you have FISH.. just beclaws SHE thinks it stinks???? THAT is the mostest CRAZY thingy we have EVER heard. Tell her to get a Clothes Pin and GIVE UP THE FISH...

  9. The only thing that works is to go up to the person, acting very sweet and affectionate. Then you wriggle your nose into the pocket and steal the treat. I've done it!
    Yr friend,

  10. Oh my beautiful FIANCE with the itchy furs. I know if anyone can do it you can cuz you have special powers! With just your eyes you can make me feel all funny and make my heart leap inside my chest! You make this man-dog feel things I never felt before! Oh, I hope your ma didn't see that. I will put this picture on the fridge fur sure. I will bark at you tonight! XOXOXOX

    Your Loving Man Dog Stud Muffin & Monkey Buns

    Cherry Bomb!

  11. We hope you had a nice Sunday. Did you see all of our grand Sunday ideas?

  12. I just know you were successful in getting that treat!

  13. Oh I can't wait to hear how you do Ruby,xx Speedy

  14. Teasing you like that is UNFAIR!

  15. Ooh, let us know if that works! We want to try. We could not only get treats out of pockets, but from the UP HIGH places she puts stuff that we can't even counter surf to!

  16. Why do they withhold the treats, let me know if it works out.

    Aroo to you,

  17. Keep staring, Ruby, we just KNOW you can win this one!!!

    Thanks for the kind words and support for Ciara.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  18. All you need are black plastic glasses
    Lily & Edward

  19. Ruby did it work? OMDs you could take that show on the road and I could be your manger and we could visit all our friends and OH...the fun would be endless
    Hugs madi your bfff

  20. You had better of gotten that treat for posing so well.

  21. Let us know! Shyla and R want to know how to levitate treats out of my pocket :)

  22. Awesome Selfie!! We need to learn some levitation skills!! BOL!

  23. But... you're posing really nice and EVERYTHING!!! She has to give you the treat! She HAS to!!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  24. If that treat levitation works, you must share w/ the rest of us doggies how you did it!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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