Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wordy Wednesday

Where are they?

You interrupted my BUBBLE session, cause you SAID you had treaties.....


I don't smell any treaties.

* * * * * * * *


  1. Now after all of that you need a treat...Coffee is on

  2. yes, where are the treats? ... where have all the treaties gone ...long time passing....

  3. She fibbed? This is just not right!

  4. Hari OM
    Not cheating again, was she??? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. My mom lies to me every morning when she is trying to get me to come inside so she can leave for work..she tells me she has a orange for me, and she does not. I think I should file charges on her for lying. UMP! stella rose

  6. Those Mamas will do ANYTHING for attention!!
    Mean ole Mamas....

  7. Time to get the sniffer checked.

  8. What? Trickery treat offerings. Not cool!!!!

    Puppy Growls,

  9. No fair fibbing about treats. Treats are a sacred matter and not to be joked about.

  10. I sure hope your ma cranked those bubbles back up Boo! I was barking for you last night but did not hear you bark back. Is your ma keeping you away from the window? Were you too tired from bubble chasing? Sorry I was so bust for a week but our company liked throwing Cherry Bomb so I had hours and hours of fetching. It was bliss! XOXOXOXOXO

    Your Studly Dood & Bro

  11. Yes, yum yums always take first priority! Indeed, two yum yum doggie treats should be forthcoming for your excellent pose in the photo!

    Oh, and we're very shocked and saddened about what happened in Manchester England.

  12. Oh no! How dare she interrupt your bubble session?? We know how much you love your bubble machine. I say you scout around for those treaties, they must be around there somewhere. Good luck.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  13. Your Ma yelled treat during a bubble session? Isn't that a crime? Like yelling FIRE in a crowded room?

  14. No treats?!?! What kind of cruelty is THAT?!?!?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  15. RUBY I have an idea lets you and I found a house to rent and hire a house mother who loves to give out unlimited treats..

    Yes indeed God Bless Manchester, England and the entire world during this horrible, scary time.
    hugs madi your bfff

  16. Surely you jest? I think there are laws against interrupting bubble play when there are no treats readily available!

  17. There is nothing worse than inerrupted bubble time

  18. Don't you just wish the ma and pa would leave the bag where we could get it.
    xo Astro

  19. We sure hope you got payed for your great pose.

  20. She interrupted bubbles? And she had no treats? Oh my - that's a serious offense.


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